Sunday, April 25, 2010


Yep, that's right, i am sorry. I have being soooo slack! ha. But you get

So since i last posted a lot has happened, but you dont need to know it
all because most of it i cant even remember... hmmm so ill try my best

Well the biggest thing was CONFERENCE! it was SO amazing. Hope all that
went are praying everyday for an increase of Widsom, Stature and Favour
because the Lord is good! wooo But also the two best things about
conference were working in PlanetKids and getting closer with my amazing
BOOM Urban Life! i do indeed love all my UL. they are all amazing young
people who have such huge hearts for God and realising the love of God
isnt just BRILLIANT! but also it is SUPERNATURAL! How amazing, i love
how we serve a supernatural God! He is so amazing and yet so powerful!
:D But Planetshakers Conference "Twentyten" was insane! TD Jakes... what
more can i say. :)

After conference I went back to my home land TASMANIA!!!!!!! where i got
to surprise soooo many people it was amazing! so much fun :D I forgot
what it was like to see mountains and stars!!!! Wow how I have missed
those stars. Ha. But it was probably the BEST Week to go down because on
the friday night Door Of Hope had their friday night service which went
off! You guys seriously need to get there if you can! Details are on the
website do it!!! Door Of Hope are starting
something brilliant! So glad to call it my home church! :D

Then it was sad times and time to come home... but it was amazing
because I left excited about coming back here and seeing what God was
going to do this term and MATE! He hit me so hard only within the first
week!! It is amazing, he can really do the impossible! :) I LOVE him...
ok then sorry, probably freaking some of you out but I feel the more I
show it the more you will sink into the reality of how great he actually
is and how he can turn things around so dramatically!

May I encourage you to write down your strengths and things you like
about your self... ha! Its hard isn't it... I bet you could go on and on
your weaknesses and what you don't like about yourself. But when you
actually do that tell me about it I want to know how you go. :) all I
can say is that there is freedom in his name. No bondage, nothing is
ever held against you just full on, pure, amazing freedom! :)

Hmmm anyway I shall leave this post for now. But leave a comment or
email me if you want to talk more on this :) ... my email is

Love you ALL! Hope you're all grand!
Grace and Peace.
K. Hoops! :)